Hearing Loss: Warning Signs


Hearing Problems: the 4 Riskiest Professions

Tuesday, May 30 2017
Hearing Problems: the 4 Riskiest Professions

Some professions and trades require working in noisy environments, usually because of loud equipment. These professions are much more likely to cause hearing problems and will typically lead to the use of hearing aids.

Musicians are often subject to hearing problems

Music may be a very pleasant sound, but professional musicians (conductors, guitarists, DJs, etc.) are regularly exposed to loud, recurring and prolonged music. Recent studies have concluded that musicians run a risk of tinnitus that is four times greater than the average person, as well as an increased risk of premature hearing loss. To remedy this health problem that could easily ruin a career, specially designed earplugs exist for musicians, enabling them to work on their music safely, without altering their perception of sound. Special headphones also exist, combining custom earmolds and ER-15/25 technology to ensure ear comfort and genuine sound quality.

Workers are very vulnerable to machinery noise

Construction and factory workers, autobody workers and mechanics are constantly working in environments that far exceed regular noise levels. According to a Canadian study, 95% of workers are subject to ear buzzing and whistling following their work day, or they are exposed to extreme noise levels due to the combination of surrounding machine noises. These workers would greatly benefit from wearing ear protection helmets or custom professional earplugs, specially molded to their ear. Such protections should be essential to their work and health.

Firefighters' ears are commonly under fire

Firefighters are frequently exposed to pathologies such as acoustic assault, noise trauma or premature hearing deterioration. Hearing loss is, in fact, the second leading cause of sick leave among firefighters in Canada. For firefighters and firemen, hearing loss can be caused by two sources : either loud daily sounds (machines, sirens, trucks, etc.) or following a noise trauma caused by exposure to a powerful explosion.

Farmers are more and more at risk

Though young farmers are increasingly aware of the risks they face when using loud machines daily (tractors, harvesters, grinders, compressors, etc.), machine manufacturers have yet to update all their products. In fact, many agricultural machines are increasing in size and noise. Thankfully, tractor manufacturers are making great efforts to isolate and soundproof driver cabins. While hearing loss used to be an inevitable consequence of the job for some farmers who couldn't avoid using the machines and did not know how to protect their hearing, new generations are increasingly investing in custom earplugs that are practical, affordable and comfortable to wear daily.

Many other jobs are highly exposed to noise and subject to hearing problems, such as shooters, hunters and pilots. They, too, would greatly benefit from tailored ear protection. In order to find the ear protection device that best suits your work environment and lifestyle, be sure to ask a hearing aid acoustician. These professionals are specialized in hearing health and are best qualified to guide you as you make this important choice.


Hearing Clinic

An assessment by a hearing-aid acoustician is required in order to determine if the hearing aid is suitable for the patient's needs. Responsible for advertising: Annie Bouchard


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